Lot of stocks getting into discounted territory so which one to talk about today.... Before I get to that, let me just emphasize the benefits of gScore-based dollar cost averaging by sharing with you a first-hand experience of getting "unlucky" in a stock but still got back to green in a short time. In the recent past, PayPal seemed to be significantly discounted so I had started building my position in it gradually (as usual since I don't like to go "all in" when there are so many unknowns). Just when I was liking its upward trend during my build up, there came out the rumor of them acquiring another company and that took the stock down as if there was no tomorrow. The bleed continued for a while but given that it is still a strong company, eventually bleeding stopped and I started my dollar cost averaging over the next couple of months and was back in green (that's hardly anytime given how much it fell in last 3 months). That's the beauty of using gScore based dollar cost averaging. Even if one gets "unlucky", there is a high likelihood of NOT losing money. So, there it is: gScore-based dollar cost averaging used with documented guidelines is not only a winning strategy for me, it has also helped me in "not losing money in stock market".
On the SPOT blog (01/06/2022) [G..]
Updated: Aug 31, 2022